Collaboration with Teddy Meyer

We are thrilled to announce a collaboration with Teddy Meyer, Hood River’s renowned children’s theater director, to not only bring a theater offering to Hood River New School’s students but the community at large. We are excited to host Teddy’s community summer camps and after-school community classes in the coming school year.

A note from the director:
"The Summer Two Week Workshop is one of my ALL time favorite things to do all year. It is beginner-friendly, fast-paced, and (most importantly) A BLAST! The first day of class is our audition day. Students will be expected to have at least one song memorized when they enter (you will get a notice when packets with music and scripts are ready for pickup). The second day we announce the cast first thing and then we get to work! We will spend every day singing, dancing and acting together, and what’s better than that? It’s a great place to start for someone who thinks they might be interested in acting. And a great place for those that already know they love it! Hope to see you this summer!"

Sign up for Teddy’s 2021 Summer Camp here!


Ekone Ranch Review


1st Annual Writer in Residence