Electives, outdoor learning, integrated school experience, service learning and after school options
What other classes are offered at New School?
The middle school years are a wonderful time to expand horizons and discover new passions. It is also a time of great social-emotional change and growth. New School honors this growth window, providing many additional opportunities for students to grow beyond the core curriculum fostering creativity and curiosity. We set aside time each week for students to work independently on the projects of their choice, and we have less structured outdoor time for them to run and play. Each week, students are able to engage in a combination of extra-curricular activities, elective courses, and service projects. Below you can find a list of some of these opportunities that students have access to at New School.
Electives Courses
Each trimester, students can engage in two different elective courses, which run weekly for the duration of the trimester. Highly qualified local experts and teachers teach these. Present and past elective choices include:
Airplane Engineering/Design*
Movement: Pickleball, Ultimate Frisby, Individual Sports, Futsal, Beach Volleyball, Outdoor Games*
Fine Art: Mixed Media, Brave Art, Skateboard Art
Green Design
Drama/Theater, Clowning, Musical performance
Programming (Scratch and JavaScript/Python)
Reverse Engineering
Science Labs
Sailing I & II*
Tree Fort Design and Building*
*Hosted off-campus or at the outdoor campus
Additional Learning Opportunities
Beyond outdoor leadership and electives, New School has many other opportunities each year for students to engage in learning beyond the core classroom. Below are some examples of learning that happens during the school day and after school. Integrated school experiences are available to all New School students during the school day.
Integrated School Experiences and Classes
OWL - Our Whole Lives: Sexual Education
Engineering design projects at Gorge MakerSpace with Jack Perrin (view student projects from 2021 here)
Volunteer Service projects around our local community
Outdoor experiential learning at Mitchell Point campus
Boat building at the Hood River Aquatic Center (view the 2021 boat racing video here)
Overnight trips (2 or 3 each year): view past trips Ekone Ranch and Mt Saint Helens
Sailing field trips through Gorge Junior Sailing and STEM curricular connections
After-School Experiences and Opportunities
Robotics clubs and teams, including First Lego League Teams
Oregon Battle of the Books team
After-school math help
After-school art club
Writing specialist support (learn more here)
Viento Crossfit youth classes
Spanish classes
Outdoor and Service Learning
Learning outside the walls of the classroom is a priority at New School. Students spend 4 hours a week in the Fall and Spring trimesters at New School’s beautiful Mitchell Point campus. There, they build, garden, cook, swim, zipline, problem-solve, and create. In the winter trimester, grade 6 and 7 students engage in community service each winter trimester. Grade 8 students take OWL classes in winter trimester.