Interdisciplinary: our approach

Inter-disciplinary analysis – examines an issue from multiple perspectives, leading to a systematic effort to integrate the alternative perspectives into a unified or coherent framework of analysis.

In interdisciplinary teaching, educators apply methods and language from more than one academic discipline to examine a theme, issue, question, problem, topic, or experience. Interdisciplinary methods work to create connections between traditionally discrete disciplines such as mathematics, the sciences, social studies or history, and English language arts.

“… educational experiences are more authentic and of greater value to students when the curricula reflects real life, which is multi-faceted rather than being compartmentalized into neat subject-matter packages.” The National Council for Teachers of English (NCTE 1995) Continue reading

At Hood River New School, core teachers deliver interdisciplinary lessons during core class — a multiple subject class all students take each day. Listen to Ms. G's description of what interdisciplinary learning looks like at HRNS here.


We’re heading to Ekone Ranch!


Core Class